How to wind down like a Peaceful Warrior
Updated: Oct 7, 2022

Ever feel like the week goes a little like this….
You start the week with good intentions and before you know it it’s Sunday, you have that feeling in the pit of your stomach that tomorrow is Monday, and the week has been one big blur.
I used to crawl into bed on a Sunday evening with anxiety, telling myself I still had so much to do, with so little time. I hadn’t got round to half the things I felt I ‘should’ be doing and I would procrastinate with the time that I did have. I now know that it all boiled down to me being overwhelmed, over committed to everyone else and my focus had taken a knock from always being busy being busy.
This all changed when I began practicing something I like to call ‘Book ending the week’. That is where you start the week clear on your intentions and end the week reflective and relaxed.
Given the upheaval we have experienced during lockdowns, added pressure and rules changing weekly, the need for control is stronger than ever before.
That’s what led me to creating the weekly ‘Warrior Wind Down’ live sessions.
You may not be able to control external circumstances, but you can feel in control of your internal connection and how you are feeling.
What I share in the Wind Down session on a Sunday evening you can practice yourself from home if you can’t join live, here’s the Warrior P.E.A.C.E ritual to help release tension from the week gone by and feel relaxed and ready for the week ahead. Try making a peaceful space in your house to do this, light a few candles, grab a notebook and pen and crystals if you have them.
Pause – Set time aside to just breathe and be still. This time for yourself is a precious gift only you can give yourself.
Embrace – Reflect on the week and what’s going on in your world. Ask yourself these 3 questions: What worked well this week? What didn’t work so well? And what can you do next week to improve by just 1%?
Affirm Your Intention – What intention do you want to set for the week ahead? How do you want to feel next week?
Clarity – Close your eyes and imagine yourself living out your intention. If it’s a particular thing you want to get done or achieve, see yourself doing it with ease and clarity. If it’s a particular way you intend to feel, see yourself going about your day feeling like it. Notice how good it feels even just seeing yourself doing those things in your imagination.
Exhale – Keeping your eyes closed take a few deep breaths and imagine as you exhale you are breathing life into that intention and releasing it out into the universe for it to take care of.
You can watch previous Warrior Wind Down videos over on the Awaken the Warrior YouTube channel and if you aren’t already a member of the Warrior community group on Facebook, you can join us here and catch the next one live! Call me on 07763 599570 Join me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter